Saturday, September 6, 2008

yeay, a blog!

Good idea to have a blog! I would like it if people would just share a little bit about their day as well as their thoughts about this or that. Sort of like we're having a daily phone conversation.

Thanks for getting this started Alice - I love your photos.

I'm afraid Sarah Palin is winning people over! She's very appealing! I'm afraid because I want Democrats in the white house.

I had a good week - spent one dinner with Elaine at Z Tejas and had yummy nachos and margarita. And last night a friend Sage had 5 women over for dinner at a huge house in Mesa belonging to a cardiologist, which she is house sitting. We saw how the other half lives. It was quite grand to look at but I was glad to come home to my more modest and simple dwelling. My friend cooked fantastic orange roughey and roasted vegetables, making me want to go buy some and do the same. We were able to sit on the patio after dinner as the weather has been cooling off a little. It was really nice.

Today I am tackling and hoping to finish my paint job in the entry hall.

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