Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Scott & Alice

Scott & I had a busy weekend. We checked out the new Ikea in Brooklyn (it's great), ate some really good meals with friends, went to the farmer's market, etc.
We are still researching the washer dryer. These things are so complicated when you live in a 1920's building...it's not like we can just go out and buy one & hook it up. We had another guy come over tonight who's estimate was much lower, but it's all dependent on whether we have enough wattage for an electric, ventless dryer.
I went for a routine doctor's appt today, everything is good with the baby. We are signed up for childbirthing class in November. My belly is getting a lot bigger and people give me their seat on the subway now.
The nights are cooling off and I am loving the cooler weather since I feel pretty hot these days.

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