Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Roommate

We've been having a lot of fun during our first week with our new roommate! He keeps his room tidy and has paid his rent on time. He's very well behaved, generally sleeps most of the day and usually doesn't stay out past midnight. He still wears diapers and doesn't quite know how to operate his hands yet, but with luck that will work itself out. Hopefully you'll all get to meet him soon! Lots of Love- Scott, Alice & Rowan

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Waiting for Baby G - he/she is looking chubby!

We are so fortunate that Baby G is waiting for the right time to deliver, instead of coming too early like Mike and Janet's babies.

My house is cleaner than it has ever been, looking good for the perfect buyer who is just waiting for this house. Doug helped me tremendously (thank you thank you!) and several friends also helped. Mostly it has been my own efforts though, and I am really tired of it all and , like alice feels about Baby G,(ready for it to come out), I'm ready for my house to be in someone else's ownership.

I'm looking forward to being a renter, "free to move about the country". While I enjoy fixing up a house, I want to change my focus to enjoying nature and new activities in Sedona. I am really excited to move on to the next stage of my life. I may stay in Sedona, or move on to other areas. I see this as a step to something else and I'm not sure what that is. I love the idea that I don't know what is going to appear, and I feel like everything is possible!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, Baby G is almost here, could be any day now.  Check out these amazing 3-d sonogram pics from last Wednesday, when they did a growth scan and estimated the baby's weight at 8 lbs , 1 oz.  Looks pretty squished in there!  
Scott & I had a very relaxing & fun New Year's, and now we are ready to meet our baby in 2009!