I just finished (I hope) all the painting I am doing in the entry hall and living room. I am pleased with the results. I'd add a picture but I don't want to take the time, and I think I am seeing you all in the next two weeks and can show you on my camera.
Had a walk and breakfast with Elaine at Wildflower. We shared a nine grain bagel and a fruit. I've had to watch my diet since the reunion and subsequent weeks of binging a couple of weeks ago. The food combining diet - what a godsend to know about that - it works every time to lose a few pounds. The worst part is I can't have any chips. My goal: to fit into my winter pants for my trip to boston next week. I think I am there.
Had the 5 trees removed from the yard - the front yard looks so much better without those half dead queen palms. Had to remove the side yard trees that were just too much. Besides, I saw a RAT the other day and I have to have it (them!) trapped. They like trees and I didn't know they like lush vegetation, and make nests there. After the rats (I even hate to say the word) are trapped, I will have my shrubs trimmed. so you New Yorkers aren't the only ones to have rats!have rats in the desert too.
Alice you are really getting big! I can't wait to see you Friday and feel baby G move!
I thought Sarah was a "talking head " in the debate. Not sure what that means, but it's as if she rehearsed certain things and kept hammering away at them without answering the questions. I thought Joe did a great job. I like Barack, but why couldn't we nominate someone like Joe who has tons of experience? Or Hilary for that matter? why do we have to chose people based on their charisma and sex appeal basically? I'm concerned about the American people not being critical thinkers, voting with their emotions and not their intellect.
Enough for tonight....